Wednesday, September 18, 2024


I'm sure we’ve all known people who seemed so much in love with each other only to end it at some point. So, was it love or not?

In my book, true love is the one that LASTS. I think the defining factor should be whether it sustained the test of time. Of course, you shouldn’t suffer through it all just to make it to the finish line. But if you’re committed to each other and don’t give yourself a way out, with the right type of work it will be a good relationship.

Some may swear they love their significant other and that it’s the truest of love, but then they still split up. Maybe even more important than having True Love is having a Strong Commitment. Maybe the strong feelings, attraction, connection, all of the good stuff isn’t enough to sustain a lasting relationship.

Commitment in general is underrated for my generation. People say a whole bunch and deliver much too little. When things get rough they tend to escape, it happens with friendships, with family relationships and they do so in marriage. There’s almost a sense of self righteousness and people brag about cutting off those they don’t agree with and are struggling to maintain a relationship.

To me my commitments mean more than what I want in the present. And following through is a must, not because others expect it, because I feel like no one even cares much anymore as they almost expect you to flake out. But I keep my commitments because that’s my own standard, and I like to feel good about myself. That goes for any minor or major commitments.

Perhaps instead of searching for true love when marrying someone, you should ensure they are a person of Strong Commitments. That will pay off more throughout your marriage and life than true love alone will.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

To Botox or Not to Botox?

When I was 16 yrs old I was asked by a cute guy, older than me, if I could adjust my body in anyway, what would I choose? I quickly answered that I would make my lips puffier. He then said that there are ways I could actually do that (not sure why he’d ever encourage a young girl to do that).

Yesterday I got to visit with an old friend of mine, and when saying our good-byes she told me, out of nowhere, “And please don’t do any Botox…” and that surprised me because we hadn’t discussed anything about any procedures yesterday. Her and I have had previous many discussions on the topic, but yesterday it felt like it came out of nowhere.

Generally speaking I’m pleased with my aging process and I don’t feel a need to inject anything into my face. But, there is a few times a month maybe that I just wonder if maybe it would be worth it. Having people like my friend who encourage and remind me that we are supposed to age and that embracing that is more like me than not, it’s so helpful.

As a life principle I don’t believe in getting something for nothing in life (I know you pay for the procedures, but you know what I mean). I always felt that even if something seems like it is a magic formula and it is working, that long term there has to be a repercussion to it because nothing is free in life. And who knows what the real price for Botox is?

Part of me wonders though if Botox has become the new taking care of oneself. I’ve always wanted to be well-put together, that’s why I’m into make up and nice clothes, and believe that one should look as good as they can. So, with so many of my peers doing Botox and other fillers, is that the new norm nowadays?

A second principle of life I hold is that our bodies are a Temple and we should nourish and help them thrive. Again, is Botox conducive to maintaining our bodies as a temple of God? I’ve gotten waxed before, and that was painful, so are these procedures similar?

I can’t commit that I’ll never do anything with fillers and Botox, but what I can commit is that it won’t happen before I’m 60. Because I don't really need it before then, and it’ll be on my own terms and not due to giving into some kind of a
peer pressure. 

So if you’re in the club of no Botox and Fillers, holler at me, cause Lord knows I can use the validation and reminders. And perhaps so would you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why Religion?

I can see why the concept of religion has a bad rep. We’ve been told for many, many years that if we don’t worship and believe a certain way, we shall be doomed after this life. Especially in the Christian world people were taught to suffer and sacrifice in this life so that they will be saved and redeemed in the afterlife. 

But my take on religion is different. I actually believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to aide us while on the earth. When lived right, our religion is meant to make life easier and richer, not make us more miserable. 

So, what if there is no eternal punishment or suffering after this life? Would that mean that I should stop living God’s law on earth? Are we to obey and adopt His gospel only if we’ll be punished if we don’t? 

I recently identified another reason for me why following a path is needed. For a very long time I’ve been feeling that being happy is the equivalent of having Peace. However, I realized that it’s impossible to feel at peace if you’re not on a path. It almost doesn’t even matter what is that path (as long as it’s not self-destructive, or harmful to others), because if you feel like that’s the path you should be on chances are you’ll feel at peace. On the other hand, if you never adopt any path either out of fear of error or you don’t care enough to be on a spiritual journey, that will most likely not afford you the peace we all yearn for. 

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we don’t even believe in a traditional hell and heaven. Out doctrine teaches that after this life every person that lived on the earth will go to a kingdom, which differs in brightness and glory according to their actions and choices, but event he lowest one is so much more than we can imagine. Therefore, no one will be suffering in an eternal hell. And that should never be our motivation for following the Savior. 

Interestingly enough I have seen even in our church that the older generation rhetoric would lead one to believe that the gospel should be lived at all cost, that if you don’t there will be gloom and doom. I know people who were raised in such environments and many resent the church and their parents. Maybe it was due to the style of those times, but I know for sure that today we are to embrace truth out of desire and love for our Creator and not out of fear.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Very Last Birth Story - James Jon Bradley

This pregnancy has been harder than the ones before for several reasons, but probably the main reason was because I always knew we wanted four kids, and so this fifth one I felt more compelled and that I would disobey rather than having a burning desire for one more child. 

Both the physical and the mental challenges have made me really wanna be done being pregnant, and judging by my past deliveries, they all came earlier than their due date by 5-9 days. So I felt confident that little James would be born before the end of the year. And unfortunately I made it public and everyone kept asking if I delivered. So that last week leading up to it felt like a waiting game, feeling disappointed and a little of a victimized mentality of wo me. 

So on Friday night the 6th, when talking with a friend and she pointed out that being full moon, it affects our emotions a bunch (and I had been a wreck that evening) by releasing them and it would also be a good time to birth him. You can imagine I was actually glad when that first contraction hit right after midnight on Saturday. By then I knew with each contraction and the harder and closer they got, the closer I'd get to delivering. 

Just like in the past, I tried to labor at home as long as possible, since being in my environment makes it easier to move around, get distracted and have better coping tools than in a hospital. However, my last delivery was only 40 minutes after getting to the hospital, so we didn't want to risk getting there too late either. 

So around 6 am, with stronger contractions around 5 min apart, Ethan insisted we went to the hospital which is 20 min away from us. 

We were assessed, and of course the contractions slowed down, but being 40 weeks already they said they could admit me. I then met the midwife on call, Becky, whom I've never met before (probably because I only went to a fraction of the doctor appointments this time around, and once they confirmed the pregnancy was healthy). We warned her that I deliver fast, and they got ready right away as I started shaking a little all in standing position at the head of the bed. I also told her that my second I delivered without the doctor there and I have some PTSD from that. She assured me they will be with me the whole time. 

But lo and behold, my contractions although they intensified by the hour, they also slowed down and never got close together enough to really get the baby out. Which was strange because it was so different from the ones before, and the intensity of the contractions was there, feeling like I was hit with a lighting in the middle of my back. 

Becky was amazing at suggesting different positions, and I kept moving the whole time. I even got in the bathtub and that helped with handling the contractions, but didn't lead to more than that. I used all my tools and more than ever before: meditation music, birthing videos, favorite songs playlists, essential oils and olfactory distractions, as well as the most important one: the Lamaze breathing techniques. It also didn't help I had been awake since the morning before. So my body was exhausted and would crisp up instead of trying to relax when the contractions hit. 

In efforts to make progress they broke my waters, then started talking Pitocin. Which I had never taken and was worried even if it worked and the contractions came stronger and closer together, that I wouldn't physically be able to handle it, tired and having labored so long already. That's when I thought the epidural might be a better choice, if they're abt to do Pitocin anyway. 

After being dilated at a 7 cm for a while, I asked for the epidural. When the anesthesiologist came, because of the siting position they placed me in, the next contraction that came felt so strong and painful that something within me changed, and I told them that I thought the baby was coming. So we let the guy leave, not wanting the epidural anymore. I was now dilated at 9 cm. I tried for the next hour really hard, but again the contractions weren't close enough. Which was surprising to me, because they say (and that's how it was with all my other four) that once you feel like you cannot take it anymore due to the pain, that that's when it ends and the baby comes. Well, I had already felt like that for a little bit, with no baby to show for, so mentally and physically I was DONE. 

I asked once again for the epidural, and this time I knew it was gonna happen. Once I got the sting in my back, my legs started tingling and within 20-30 min I was numb from the waist down. But, I started shacking uncontrollably, I thought I was cold and asked for more layers, but they told me that's what happens when you get the epidural, and they said it would last past the delivery too (luckily it didn't for me). 

Another 30 min into the epidural, and when my midwife came to me to warn me that they wanted to do even more interventions (like placing a contraction tracker, which looked like a stick inside, to gauge how strong my contractions were before they'd administer the Pitocin). But, she then thought that I could actually try pushing, and when I did they say it worked even without a contraction. So they told me how to breathe and lower my chin, and then push with all my strength into my lower body. I did that twice and the baby was out. 

the relief you experience after delivery 

I was kind of amazed that actually worked, because I had no feeling of it. It was so easy once the pain was gone, and after 20 hours of being in labor. 

since this was my longest labor I got to know Becky the best 

It was a little bit more difficult trying to nurse him right away because my lower body was still so weak, but man, not feeling the placenta coming out and the after of the birth, was really nice.

Part of me had been curious what it was like with the epidural, and halfway through this labor I had the thought that this was going different than all my other ones. I really felt like I gave it my all and had no regrets once I made that decision. I also cannot complain as once I had the epidural it happened so fast and I never teared (which, if you experienced both, you know it makes all the difference in recovering).

I still prefer the mobility of an unmedicated birth. I like being in control of my body and even experiencing the pain. The epidural is another tool, and I'm glad I had access to it, but I would only use it if it's a must and if my body doesn't do what it's meant to do on its own. I was also bothered that they first mentioned breaking my waters, then administering just a little bit of Pitocin, and then once I got the epidural they even said smtg about a C-section, like in order to avoid it. I didn't like how quickly things can escalate and I can see how under so much stress and exhaustion many women might end up with not as ideal outcome because of the outside pressure. 

I feel so happy to have had another little boy, and to not be pregnant anymore (like ever again). 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

An Angel's Arrival - Eve's Birth Story

Usually speaking, by the fourth time you do something that you have successfully accomplished three times before, you feel confident or at the least not fearful about it. Not so with birthing a child. I’ve been concerned and fearful with each of my deliveries, and for good reasons as you never know how exactly it will pan out. 

A baby’s delivery is probably the humblest experience in my opinion. You have to accept that you are not completely in control and in my case, I always rely on my Heavenly Father. I try to be in a state of prayer and communion with Him. And I feel Him and his help all throughout the labor. I’ve been blessed to birth all of my children unmedicated, which has allowed me to feel more in control, yet what’s needed to have a better birthing experience if to be yielding, to accept that anything can happen, as we continue to hope for the best outcome.

Jul 15th - last picture of my belly 
I was especially worried about this baby because she seemed bigger than all my other ones to me, probably based on my belly being the biggest. That worried me; delivering her vaginally and without an epidural might be even harder than before. Luckily though, the week before she came and because last weeks of pregnancy can bring about insomnia and feeling uncomfortable for hours, I ended up watching many YouTube videos on the Lamaze method. These videos are informing and educating the public of why a natural birth as well as providing some suggestions for tools and things to do during the labor. I am so glad I took the time to brush up on these as they came in handy so much during my labor.

My first contraction hit exactly 24 hrs before she was born, on July 15th at 4:00 am. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, I assumed it was the regular back pain I had been feeling for weeks by then. But when the second one hit, it became clear that it was the real thing. As soon as I became aware of it, my body started shaking and I recognize it to be out of fear. I believe it was going through some sorts of PTSD from my past labors, especially from the last one, which was most intense and only a year ago. Although the contractions kept coming, I was committed of not going to the hospital sooner than needed, and I prepared to be at home for most of my labor. Not knowing whether that would be a few hrs or another whole day, was another thing.

Our last photo as a family of five 
Throughout most of the day my contractions came and went, at times being more intense and often, only to slow down again. I went about my day cleaning up and getting ready, eating some good meals, and spending time with the family. My mom flew in that evening, which would bring a lot of relief, knowing that we could now leave for the hospital and the other kids would be well taken care of.

I tried sleeping some, from 11-12:30 am, as I felt exhausted. But I was woken up past midnight and I got up walking around the house in the dark, trying to keep quiet to not wake up the rest. When my contractions got too intense, I realized how silly it was trying to keep quiet when I needed all the tools I had prepared to better handle the pain. So, I turned on some lights, turned on my playlist on YouTube and I even pulled out a cute baby dress to serve me as a focus point. When I used the extra stimuli during the contractions, especially watching the YouTube clips of the songs I was listening to, it did indeed lessen the pain and the contractions felt shorter to me.

My mom would wake up from time to time to check on me, and I would report that nothing has happened yet (I was expecting my mucus plug to come out or my water to break). When I threw up twice in a row, the only reaction my body had to the increased pain I was experiencing, then my mom said we should head to the hospital. I thought I could wait it out longer, but I learned long ago to listen to my mom’s intuitions. So, I went to inform Ethan that we needed to go. 

Applying the Lamaze breathing during my contractions
We left around 2:40 am, got to the hospital around 3:00 am. I stayed in bed for aprox. 30 min to be checked both me and the baby, and then I got up to move around. Things started progressing very quickly, I threw up one more time, then my water broke all while standing at the head of the bed. When I felt the baby drop, I told them she is coming and that I wanted to have her while standing.

My midwife applying pressure when each contraction hit.
She was amazing, supportive and so capable. 
My amazing midwife got ready, and even though it did not feel like I was dilated enough yet, I started focusing all my pain when the contraction hit to push her out. It took three pushes and out she was. That was an hour later since when we were admitted, at 4:05 am. She was a little pale and it took a little while to cry, which it is always so nerve racking to me. They placed her under the lights and started patting her to make sure she got enough oxygen. I got back on the bed and was so relieved when I didn’t need any stiches (thanks to one of the Lamaze videos I learned that it’s best to deliver while standing up, since gravity will help and there will be less damage). Then I got little Eve on my chest and she breastfed for over 40 minutes.

Like I said, you never know what it’s going to happen during your delivery!
Eve Ryan Kirk - born on July 16th at 4:05 am
Weight of 7 lbs 4 oz and 19 in long 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My Thoughts on the Corona Virus

Year 2020 is nothing like what we have imagined!  No one could have predicted the world pandemic that has hit us. Like everyone else I am trying to make some sense of what we’re experiencing.

Does it surprise anyone else the fact that we are told to keep distance from everyone else except for our immediate family? Could it be that we have gotten away from focusing on what matters most, and instead we got busy with so many other things, maybe good things but with the price of neglecting our dear ones? What if this world pandemic has hit us in an effort from up above to nudge us into the right direction? Because I would hope that together with having no other choice but spend a lot more time around family, that we also get closer emotionally. I really think we can come out of it with a stronger family bond.

So, I know many people are freaking out and are taking the virus situation too far; I also know there are some who are dismissive of the virus and truly think we should go about life as usual. I just want to have an appropriate reaction giving what we’re dealing with, but that’s hard to know what it looks like.

Maybe it’s being prepared temporarily, within reason, which us, Latter-Day Saints have always been advised by our leaders to be. While at the same time recognize our Heavenly Father is in charge, and trust in Him all will be well.

When I read the scriptures that mention the last days prophecies it has a lot more meaning to me now. I get what they say more clearly. Even Isaiah makes sense and feels more personal to me than ever before.

I don’t think most things in life happen accidentally, and this pandemic is no exception. Maybe we needed an opportunity to learn and change both as an individual and collectively. As we are literally cutting off the outside world, we have a chance to look inward and to ponder more. When I do that, I feel peace and faith, I feel like everything is going to be alright. I hope you will feel the same too.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Power of Manifestation and Our Gender Reveal

Last month I attended a breakfast where a motivational speaker taught us about the Power of Manifestation. For anyone who may be wondering what in the world that is, here’s the Google Def. : is being able to harness your true destinies and desires in life-subconsciously put into vision, and then into reality. Everything you want of the universe is already yours-the clearer your thoughts and thinking on the matter, the more timely and precise the delivery will come.

My whole adult life, when I was asked by someone how many kids I wanted, the answer was always four kids - two girls and two boys. I’ve always said it confidently and believing it will happen. So when I was reminded about the power of manifestation concept last month, I realized I can put it to the test when I find out the gender of this fourth baby I’m carrying (already having two girls and one boy, I was still on track to be manifesting my desires).

Well, yesterday we found out the gender, and lo and behold, we’re having a GIRL. I was mostly surprised that the power of manifestation has failed me and I couldn’t understand how that was possible since I know I had done it how it’s described, by the book (without even realizing or being educated on the matter).

So I am open now to the belief that this power may either be garbage (what my dear husband has often times said to me), or that there are some things set in stone, maybe even before the world was made, that no matter how hard you try to manifest one way, it will still happen the way God has intended it.

I’ve also learned that there are some things in life, such as your kids gender, that is better left up to chance rather that become too committed to a certain outcome.

Either way, I’ve gotten more excited to having another little girl by the minute, and I am curious to see how different she will be from her sisters. (Adaline has wanted a girl from the get go, and Emilia is still in shock we’re having a girl and not a boy – this is due to me brainwashing her, we’d never discuss any girls names, but would quickly switch to boys only.) And Ellis is oblivious, probably glad he won’t be dethroned.