Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's Never About Us

I’ve just watched on Facebook one of those videos where one person does something nice and not expected for another one, and a third one sees it and being inspired they also help someone else— and it brought me to tears (see, there are some good things on FB after all)

So I thought of why it made me feel so much emotion, and I think the answer was that at the core of each one of us it’s simply Love. That it is out nature to give and to receive that pure love. I think it touched me because something within me acknowledged that this is what truly makes us whole in life.

Ironically, we are looking so far outside of ourselves in search of that fulfillment.

This short video made me think of another FB posting the other day, a picture, which said The real question is, what have you done for those around you today? (or smtg like that).
Being moved to a new area, still searching for jobs and trying to get settled in, I almost felt justified in being self-absorbed and focused on our own things. After all, not knowing people can make it tough to do nice things for them.

But after a quick pondering on these things I realized things would be so much better if I became more aware of others and if I focused on someone else rather than being absorbed by my own challenges.

Last year I heard a story, which depicts this concept quite well.
A mother threw a birthday party for her four-year-old son. About 12 kids were gathered around the table, chatting and having fun. Then it was time to hand out to the birthday boy his presents. This other kid, Johnny, started throwing a fit, he wanted the gifts for himself, and was bothered that someone else was the center of attention. Then the mom turned to Johnny, and in a whispering, yet firm voice said: Johnny, today it’s not about you!

The moral of the story is that this applies to each one of us, for every day of our lives – it’s never about us.