Sunday, April 17, 2011


I am sure that many of you are familiar with Jesus Christ’s admonition/commandment of being perfect even as he and God are. Yet I have sensed often times that people stray away from this topic. They either obsess over being perfect, and never feel enough, or they try to avoid it altogether knowing that the target is impossible to reach. You actually get to hear quite often the line that ‘it’s impossible for us to become perfect in this life’. Yet, the scriptures also teach us that God will never ask anything of us that we would not be able to deliver, creating an apparent discrepancy between the two.

What if I told you that you are already Perfect?! What would that do for you, how would you view yourself and life around you if you believed and knew that you are perfect?

Before continuing with this argument, I want to share with you a relative new definition of Perfection that I have discovered, which helped see everything in a new light. I think each one of us, as with many other abstract concepts, we have a very different definition of it based on own experiences.

Perfection= to finish, to bring to an end, completeness
Further definitions of perfection, which come from various philosophers, Aristotle being one of them, are:

1. That which is complete – contains all the requisite parts
2. That which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better
3. That which has attained its purpose
4. One that possesses that of which by its nature is capable
5. That which is better to have than not to have
6. That which has allowed the fullness of the qualities possible for it
7. That which is the best

So if being perfect means you’re working towards something more and you make the best of what you’ve been given, still having more to attain, doesn’t it qualify you and me of being Perfect?

I think our error in thinking that perfection is unattainable in this life is seeing it as a final destination that once reached then we can stop. But perfection never stops, and we can reach different levels of perfection, this life being one of them.

And what’s best about understanding perfection in this way, it only encourages me to try even harder rather than getting too overwhelmed by the task that I would give up before even starting it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things are not as bad as we pretend they are

One of the advantages of having been brought up in a foreign place is that it has offered me a unique perspective on life here in the United States of America.

I don’t know about you all, but reading the news daily it can become overwhelming considering both the volume and the nature of the stories. The predominant feeling being one of pessimism about the world in which we live, and a general acceptance of a doomed state we brought ourselves into without any possible way of escaping or improving it.

All the information I take in, it almost paralyzes me and for a second there I actually bite into it, feeling that there are no good or honest people left in our society. However, when I step back and look at the entire picture I quickly realize that the United States of America, and California for that matter, is having it really good. I realize that this system is still the most functional, that these politicians are still the most transparent and carrying towards the people. This is not just comparing it to other countries but also with other eras and civilizations.

The quality of life has never been this high; humanity has never had this much access to so much information and resources as we do today. We have just as much potential, if not even greater, that at any other time and place in history to succeed. Then how come the general attitude of both the media and its audience is that of an-ever-growing pessimism?

We shouldn’t allow anyone to dictate how we feel and how we perceive the world. It is in our own power to choose to appreciate life and what it has to offer, and to make the best of our circumstances.

That’s not to say that we shouldn’t try to improve where we’re at, progress is eternal so we’re not quite there yet, but we can do so with a positive outlook and seeing how much we already have.

No one has ever and will never profit from a negative approach or perspective on things, so why make our lives even tougher? The power is in our hands and no one can do it for us.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


For the longest time, I considered bringing a newborn into the world the greatest miracle of life. I still consider this as a miracle and the power, which makes us more like our Heavenly Father. However, after pondering and after having some personal experiences, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest miracle in life is that of Marriage.

I can’t think of a better descriptive of marriage than that of a ‘miracle.’ Having two complete strangers, of different backgrounds, interests and many times from opposite sides of the world, come together and unite to each other, that to me constitutes the greatest miracle.

Considering how unnatural it actually is to commit and become one with someone who was once a complete stranger, it doesn’t surprise me the high divorce rates of today’s world. Many of them are even justified in choosing to go separate ways. For this reason what really surprises me is couples of years together, who are still committed to each other and who continue on and succeed in their marriage.

I am fascinated with the whole process of it. You go on a first date, many times with a complete stranger, if having been set up, then not even knowing what they look like. Then you try your hardest to read into each other, of course both putting their best self first. It’s almost like applying/interviewing for a job. And potentially, that same person can (and in the cases that end up in marriage) turn into the person by whom you will wake up for the rest of your life. That to me is magical!

Most people who are important and dear to us are usually blood-related, our spouses on the other hand, are not related to us; and I think this is by design, so that we would have to sacrifice and work hard into learning how to love them, up to the point that their happiness is more important to us than our own.

I believe that marriage is the process by which we become most like God. Although we each look for someone to marry who is the closest to our idea of perfection, I believe it is by design that none of us is perfect. Had we been perfect and lovable at all times it wouldn’t have been as high of a sacrifice to commit and stick with each other. Unfortunately this is the very reason for which many couples choose to separate, when in fact being imperfect beings gives us the opportunity of growing and becoming more Godly.

I find it fascinating how one can reach the level of identifying and defining who they are through their partner. It is as if the two have become one entity, this being independent of bringing forth offspring, that being a whole different process in and of itself.

The key to a successful marriage and the first step towards success is a proper knowledge and development of own character and self. I think it is imperative not only to know oneself but to also be content and at peace with own life. I believe that most misunderstandings and attacks in marriage come from insecurities and a lack of knowledge and understanding of own value and self worth.

The second step in ensuring a successful marriage is the selection process. You’d think that once one would know themselves well and their needs and wants that a proper selection will follow naturally and in most cases. That is not necessarily so. The secret to proper selection, I believe, is being patient. It is paying in the present the price for what you ultimately want.

I’ve seen too many who are rushing into marriage whether out of fear of never finding who they really want and would feel connected to, or wanting to satisfy certain needs in a timely manner. Having a short-sighted perspective is never a good idea when choosing anything in life, but specially when selecting your eternal companion.

I haven’t made too many mistakes in my life. That was until this last October, when I purchased a new car. Although my dream car is a Mercedes, not thinking (and really not being able to at the time) that I could afford it, I cut myself short and ended up purchasing a PT Cruiser. Doing so still got me excited, having a more spacious, new car. But this lasted for about two months, when I realized that my car didn’t really represent me. When I got my dream job I further realized that I could have afforded my dream car, had I waited a little longer.

I will probably end up losing a few couple thousand dollars in trying to get rid of the PT, imagine though the cost of rushing into marrying someone who is almost the person you want and would be happy with (the car still drove me around, after all…), yet not being and never being able to become the Mercedes.

When trying to find the optimum person with whom you’ll spend the rest of your life, in spite of what others may be saying, it is not a matter of being too picky or of thinking too highly of oneself. It is a matter of exercising faith and first bringing yourself to the level you imagine marriage needs to be, and then looking for the person who is at that same level, to whose life you can contribute and enhance. Anything less than this, I believe, would make one unhappy, and therefore not being able to contribute to the other person's life.

Remember, we cannot give someone something we don’t have ourselves.