When I was 16 yrs old I was asked by a cute guy, older than
me, if I could adjust my body in anyway, what would I choose? I quickly answered
that I would make my lips puffier. He then said that there are ways I could
actually do that (not sure why he’d ever encourage a young girl to do that).
Yesterday I got to visit with an old friend of mine, and
when saying our good-byes she told me, out of nowhere, “And please don’t do any
Botox…” and that surprised me because we hadn’t discussed anything about any
procedures yesterday. Her and I have had previous many discussions on the
topic, but yesterday it felt like it came out of nowhere.
Generally speaking I’m pleased with my aging process and I
don’t feel a need to inject anything into my face. But, there is a few times a
month maybe that I just wonder if maybe it would be worth it. Having people
like my friend who encourage and remind me that we are supposed to age and that
embracing that is more like me than not, it’s so helpful.
As a life principle I don’t believe in getting something for
nothing in life (I know you pay for the procedures, but you know what I mean).
I always felt that even if something seems like it is a magic formula and it is
working, that long term there has to be a repercussion to it because nothing is
free in life. And who knows what the real price for Botox is?
Part of me wonders though if Botox has become the new taking care of oneself. I’ve always wanted to be well-put together, that’s why I’m
into make up and nice clothes, and believe that one should look as good as they
can. So, with so many of my peers doing Botox and other fillers, is that the
new norm nowadays?
A second principle of life I hold is that our bodies are a
Temple and we should nourish and help them thrive. Again, is Botox conducive to
maintaining our bodies as a temple of God? I’ve gotten waxed before, and that
was painful, so are these procedures similar?
I can’t commit that I’ll never do anything with fillers and Botox,
but what I can commit is that it won’t happen before I’m 60. Because I don't really need it before then, and it’ll
be on my own terms and not due to giving into some kind of a
peer pressure.
So if you’re in the club of no Botox and Fillers, holler at
me, cause Lord knows I can use the validation and reminders. And perhaps so
would you.