I have recently come to the realization that at times it is very tiring to have to always prove ourselves. We have to do it when searching for jobs, when wanting to attract people into our lives, and even when dating.
Whether is your writing skills, or why someone should hang out with you, it seems like we're always advertising ourselves in a way. And maybe it's by design that it is like this, otherwise we would have let ourselves go and maybe would have not demanded as much from our own beings. However, sometimes it is simply exhausting.
Maybe I've been feeling it even more lately as I have been applying for jobs and interviewing. I'm tired of having to show off my skills and to convince people it is me who they want for that position.
But, along with these thoughts, another one came to me. I realized that the only being in the world (really, He is out of the world, but you get what I mean), to whom we don't have to prove anything to earn His love, is out Heavenly Father. It is so comforting to me to know that He actually knows me even better than I know myself, and that one, I cannot impress Him since He already knows all my thoughts and intentions, and that two, I wouldn't even have to prove anything to Him as His love is unconditional.
And it couldn't be any other way, as we would never really be worthy of His love. For that reason, and many others, I feel so grateful for His love and care for us. And maybe that's why He should be the center of our lives, and not work, friends and even family, as sooner or later things may change and then what would happen to our foundation? Crush probably, and with it ourselves too.