Friday, July 16, 2010

Why Nephi is so amazing...

This morning I was reading 1 Nephi 4, and a few things occurred to me.

First of all, just as Lehi informed his sons of what the Lord has asked that they returned and got the records, Laman and Lemuel of course started murmuring. Nephi, knew right away that it was the Lord's request and not his father's. Then when they went into the city to get the records from Laban, Laman was almost killed, and I wonder if it didn't have to do with his negative attitude towards the whole task of getting the records.
Maybe it didn't though, because even Nephi's plan of trading all of their richness that they had previously left behind for the records didn't go through, as Laban took their goods and wanted to kill them.

However, the difference is that as the older brothers were ready to return to their father's, Nephi was persistent in completing the task. He exhorted them to return to the city and to act in faith. Murmuring they did follow him, and as he went into the city, he even stated that didn't know beforehand the things which will happen. And soon enough Laban was delivered into his hands, all weak and drunk.

Likewise, I feel like sometimes in our lives all the Lord wants to see from us is trying in faith, and even though our plan may not pan out, as Nephi's didn't either, He will eventually make it happen according to his will.

That gives me comfort, knowing that although I still need to try very hard and to the best of my abilities, that in the end He can and will make it happen, many times in miraculous ways.

And this is one of the many instances that I think Nephi is so amazing...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is the role of a civilization?

Today I read this quote

The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak.
President G.W. Bush, March 2005

And it made me think, and that's always dangerous when i start thinking...
I actually believe that if a civilization/society is healthy and functional will form strong individuals, who of their own free will and choice will take care of the weak because they would have high values. However, as things have developed for the past few decades is that there is a lack of genuin interest of ensuring the survival and decent level of living of the weak. So what have we tried to do? To force the strong of taking care of the weak...and although this may seem as the optimum alternative on ensuring that the weak are taking care, I think even a better way of using our resources is to educate and empower the weak, only that would provide lasting, real results. That being said, of course there are special cases and that's not what I am talking about. I just think that too often in society we'd rather go for the quick fix, which in this case is to make the strong protect the weak, when instead we should treat the weak to their real potential and help them reach it.